Hope you are all safe and well and managing to enjoy this nice spell of weather despite not being able to play
Just a quick note of what we have been up to here at Foundation
Rescheduling the Season
As expected, we have had to cancel all events at the moment but we are constantly looking ahead to determine
what can be done once the restrictions are lifted and play is allowed. The annual Cardrona event has been provisionally moved to 10th and 11th October, we are delighted to have managed to book a new date so fingers crossed the event will be able to go ahead.
An early decision was made to move the Annual Dinner at
Prestonfield House Hotel which allowed us to secure a new date of 29th October and we will be inviting the lucky 5 Patrons who were supposed to be joining us in April.
If you’re interested in coming along, we will send out a reminder nearer the time.
New mentoring Scheme
This year we are looking at improving our mentoring scheme in the winter months and are currently making plans.
Watch this space for more information.
Family Social Event
We are in the process of organising a race night for families to relax, get together and have fun. Patrons and Sponsors will get
early opportunity to get tickets plus a free raffle ticket if they come along on the night.
Will keep you posted.
On-line Fun
To keep the children amused we have had a best golf joke competition. Well done Erin McAlpine and Lily Naismith.
We have a prize for you both.
You can view the jokes on our Facebook page.
Our lovely coach Jane has been posting on-line lessons which allows the children (and adults) to practice at
home. Thanks Jane you’re a star.
Also a big thanks to our Ambassadors who are also sending videos and we will be posting these shortly.
Patrons Giveaway
Graeme Beveridge was lucky enough to receive a signed wedge
from Stephen –congratulations.
Contact us
Scott@SGFoundation.co.uk; Events and all general enquiries
Stuart@SGFoundation.co.uk; School coaching, Squads and
Mentoring Scheme
Tracy@SGFoundation.co.uk; Patrons, sponsorship, merchandise and social events.